Old State House Arkansas/Arkansaw: A State and its Reputation Exhibit construction & text panels 2010 - Within the parameters of the client's wishes, Oxley Art designed column "sleeve" panels from (client suggested) rustic cedar wood paneling and natural cedar shake shingle appliques to cover an existing built-in exhibit set piece. Most of the construction process was done by OA Exhibit Group member Business Images & Graphics, Inc.

The text panels for the Arkansas/Arkansaw Exhibit were direct UV printed on to the same cedar paneling, with the art adding rustic-looking, faux wood planking ends to the text panels. The text on the panels were rendered to look as if type were wood-burned into them. It was interesting to see exhibit patrons reach out and expect to get a tactile sensation from the flat printing. We actually had to knock back some of the darkness of the real wood knots in the paneling with color matched paint to facilitate readability of the text panels. However, one of the toughest parts of the project was tracking down the materials, negotiating for a less than minimum order from the Oregon manufacturer, procuring and making sure we got the cedar paneling in time for construction & printing! After all that, the curator of exhibits & staff did an excellent job presenting the exhibit contents and artifacts.